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Strawberry Coulis


Stuffed french toast on white plate sprinkled with powdered sugar and strawberry coulis blueberries and strawberries


Coulis is basically any sauce made from berries. We usually use strawberries, but raspberry coulis is the ‘red stuff’ that is often poured over cheesecake. Blackberries or blueberries also work well. It is ok to mix the berries into the same batch.

This is pretty free-form, with no exact quantities of anything. This is an excellent way of using fruit that is on its way out if you know what I mean. The amount of sugar and whether you add lemon juice is up to your individual taste and the sweetness of the berries you have.

Raspberries can be tart, so they may need more sugar, for example. Lemon juice adds a little “brightness” (because of the acidity), which may be what is needed. This is basically a season-to-taste operation. My goal is to have the sauce taste exactly like the berries it was made from, so I don’t add a lot of sugar.

strawberries being sieved into a pan on the stove


Use fresh berries that are somewhat past their prime but not yet spoiled. Often, I will put the few remaining berries from a container into a Ziploc freezer bag and let them accumulate in the freezer until I have a larger quantity to make a batch. Don’t use them if they are spoiled or moldy; then it’s too late.

You’ll need a fine mesh screen. Not an open mesh strainer but something with very small openings.

Diet: Gluten-free, Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-free

Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Total Time: 30 Minutes


  • fresh strawberries
  • white granulated sugar
  • fresh lemon juice


  1. Cut up any large berries and place them in a sauce pan with some sugar over low heat. Allow to cook until softened.

  2. Carefully (hot!) pour berries into blender and blend until it is a uniform consistency. Over-blending will break up seeds and add a bitter flavor-not good.

  3. Pour the blended fruit mixture into a fine-mesh screen and force the sauce through by swirling the ladle or spatula against the screen.

  4. Taste and adjust sugar and lemon juice if necessary.

  5. Allow to cool, then pour into Ziploc bags. Keeps in refrigerator for 3-5 days, in the freezer for 3-5 months. If you freeze the bags in a flat configuration, you can easily break off smaller pieces to thaw, instead of thawing the entire bag.

Recipe By: Chef at Castle in the Country - January 23, 2024